The Need for a Real Seaned

I am one of the privileged one that get to vote in the Seanad elections and do intend to exercise that franchise.

My problem is that most of the election literature I have received from prospective candidates are promoting issues which are the prerogative of government, “fixing the national debt” “better schools” “the health service” “creating jobs” etc. Surely the role of the Seaned is monitor the legislation being promoted by Government, specifically as it relates to our constitution and using their considered expertise to propose or recommend changes.

If I am to believe the bumpf being promoted by most of the candidates, although they all start off with the mantra “Seaned Reform”  they all obviously see the Seaned as a launching pad for a political career and need to get real, we already have an elected parliament guys!!

If the Seaned continues to be what it has been in the past, a “Kindergarten”  for prospective TDs, or a retirement home for the failed ones, making irrelevant comments on things which are really none of their business, then it should be abolished as soon as possible.

The alternative is to give it a real job to do. There is more than enough work to be done on Constitutional issues to keep the upper house busy, specifically working on legislative reform to bring the constitution into the 21st Century and recommend constitutional changes if necessary.

The task of taking all pre 1921 Legislation, Acts and Laws, bringing them up to date and disposing of some of the archaic legacies left over from Colonial times,  would probably keep the Seaned busy for years.  

Perhaps a Campaign for a REAL Seaned would be worthwhile
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