A contributor to Politics.ie, “Making Waves” recently posted the following
Paul Murphy MEP has played a significant role in
1. publicising the impact of austerity in Greece,
2. opposing the brutal repression in Kazakhstan (while the EU officials were trying to do dirty deals with the dictatorship),
3. engaging in solidarity with the Tunisian masses in the revolutionary upheavals in that country,
4. supporting the No Tav campaign in Italy
5. Assisting the building of the new Left Party in Portugal
6. Assisting with the Freedom Flotilla to Palestine
7. Participated in the Taksim Square protests in Istanbul
8. Visited Iceland to assist opposition groups opposing IMF austerity
Greece, Kazakhstan. Tunisia, Italy, Portugal, Palestine, Turkey, Iceland?
Who exactly was this guy representing in Europe. Sounds like someone with nothing better to do than run around like a demented hornet tilting at any windmill he happens to see.
Of course if MEPs are not connected to one of the influence groups, they are a complete waste of space for their constituents. So the above type of activity is all he would be good for
I got a flyer from Joe Higgins TD extolling the virtues of Paul Murphy. It is a full A4 glossy on the most expensive paper available, printed only on one side.
Money no object for the Socialist’s obviously and as for the environment, that’s only for rich people, them poor socialists can’t be expected to get involved in that.
Murphy according to the flyer is going to have the EU Parliament get rid of the water charges. It just goes to show what Murphy knows about the workings of the EU. (Zip)
Of course he will be busy in Greece, Kazakhstan, Tunisia, Italy, Portugal, Palestine, Turkey and Iceland. The only thing he needs the Irish taxpayer for is to cover his very large salary and expenses.
Voting for Paul Murphy and his like is a complete waste of time. The EU has a completely different power structure than our parish pump twitter that passes for political activity.
See: Don’t Waste Your Vote in the European Parliament Elections