The Spirit of Annie

In memory of my wonderful mother whose birthday is today. Although she died on the 30th of May twelve years ago, her spirit still lives on

The Spirit of Annie

The Spirit of Annie is not gone
All around it still lives on
Kate, Brendan, Noreen, Ger
Denis junior are all still there
Lessons learned on Annie’s knee
Work hard to serve, keep your spirit free
In the children of her children
In their children too
The spirit of Annie flows strong and true

Although her body has now gone
The spirit of Annie still lives on
And will live on

©Brendan Palmer 30th May 2004

A vote for Paul Murphy MEP or other independent in the EU Election is a complete waste of a vote

A contributor to, “Making Waves” recently posted the following

Paul Murphy MEP has played a significant role in
1. publicising the impact of austerity in Greece,
2. opposing the brutal repression in Kazakhstan (while the EU officials were trying to do dirty deals with the dictatorship),
3. engaging in solidarity with the Tunisian masses in the revolutionary upheavals in that country,
4. supporting the No Tav campaign in Italy
5. Assisting the building of the new Left Party in Portugal
6. Assisting with the Freedom Flotilla to Palestine
7. Participated in the Taksim Square protests in Istanbul
8. Visited Iceland to assist opposition groups opposing IMF austerity

Greece, Kazakhstan. Tunisia, Italy, Portugal, Palestine, Turkey, Iceland?

Who exactly was this guy representing in Europe. Sounds like someone with nothing better to do than run around like a demented hornet tilting at any windmill he happens to see.

Of course if MEPs are not connected to one of the influence groups, they are a complete waste of space for their constituents. So the above type of activity is all he would be good for

I got a flyer from Joe Higgins TD extolling the virtues of Paul Murphy. It is a full A4 glossy on the most expensive paper available, printed only on one side.

Money no object for the Socialist’s obviously and as for the environment, that’s only for rich people, them poor socialists can’t be expected to get involved in that.

Murphy according to the flyer is going to have the EU Parliament get rid of the water charges. It just goes to show what Murphy knows about the workings of the EU. (Zip)

Of course he will be busy in Greece, Kazakhstan, Tunisia, Italy, Portugal, Palestine, Turkey and Iceland. The only thing he needs the Irish taxpayer for is to cover his very large salary and expenses.

Voting for Paul Murphy and his like is a complete waste of time. The EU has a completely different power structure than our parish pump twitter that passes for political activity.

See: Don’t Waste Your Vote in the European Parliament Elections


A Justice System Gone Mad, Garda Abuse of Power

My experience of vindictive Garda abuse of power twelve years ago in January 2002

6th of July 2001
I was sitting outside the Gingerman Pub in Fenian Street deciding whether to have a beer or not. My car was parked about twenty metres away outside the Telecom offices. I got a call on my mobile from a Garda Declan O’Rourke to say that my car had just been broken into and my Laptop bag taken. He knew this because he was at the other end of the street and saw it happen. He said that the thief had gone into the nearby flats and I believe he said that he knew who it was. I left and drove the car home, feeling a bit stupid for leaving the bag behind the drivers seat in the first place, especially seeing as the reason the police had my number was that my car had been broken into on the same street (outside the Telecom’s offices) during the day about a year previously. I had the window fixed the next day and forgot about the incident.

About a week later Garda O’Rourke called to find out the value of the property stolen. IR£80 for the laptop bag and IR£80 for an electronic organiser which was in it. He said they had arrested the guy who broke into my car. They did not retrieve the bag

Thursday night the 3rd of January 2002 9:30 PM (6 months later)
There is a very aggressive ringing on my doorbell. I opened the door to find Garda O’Rourke and another Guard standing there with a very intimidating and aggressive attitude. He hands me an envelope and says This is a summons for you to appear in court on the 23rd as a witness” No, “good evening” or “sorry to bother you” I enquired for what and was told that it was as a witness for the prosecution in the case against the guy how broke into my car. I asked him if my bag had been recovered, considering that he had seen it happen and knew who did it. He said it hadn’t been recovered. At that point I asked why I should waste my time going to court when I wasn’t going to get my property back and it was very likely that the guy would get off anyway. I also pointed out how amazing it was that Mary O’Rourke’s property was recovered within minutes when her house was broken into around the same time. “You’re not Mary O’Rouke” was the response. I said that I wasn’t certain that I would have the time to turn up, at which point his sidekick took a step forward and told me that, “if I didn’t turn up I would be arrested and jailed”. I closed the door and thought “ Now there’s one for the books, my car is broken into, my property stolen and “I go to jail”….. only in Ireland !” I decided that I would turn up, mainly to complain about the manner in which the summons was presented and the attitude of the Guards who presented it.

On Tue 22nd January an important meeting, which I was to attend at 4:30PM was cancelled and rescheduled for Wed morning the 23rd at 9:30. I went to the meeting which went on until midday, got to my office at 2:00PM had a very busy afternoon and also a hectic Thursday, as I was going to the UK on Friday for the weekend. Monday 28th I opened my briefcase and found the summons. “Oh Shit, I forgot all about that”

Tuesday 29th January
I made contact with the Courts and was advised to write in an apologise to the Court and explain why I didn’t turn up.

Wed 30th January
6:20AM I am woken by the sound of my doorbell ringing incessantly, my first thought was that there was an electrical fault and that the ringer was jammed. It took me about two minutes to wake up, get out of bed, find a pair of jeans and go down to investigate. Doorbell ringing all the while. Got downstairs and could see that there were Guards at the door. I opened the door to be confronted by four uniformed Guards, including the two who had been there previously, in what I can only describe as” ready for action mode” (two of them had their hands on their batons) Garda O’Rourke informed me that he had a warrant for my arrest and that I should go get some clothes on. I said “ You might as well come in then” They filled the hall. I went upstairs, phoned my solicitor but couldn’t get through, shaved and ironed a shirt. I phoned my daughter, told her what was happening and asked her to make contact with my solicitor as soon as she could and that I was been taken to Pearse Street Garda station. I came downstairs, said OK I’m ready, “not yet your not” at which point the handcuffs were produced, I was handcuffed and I had to walk cuffed and surrounded by four Guards past my neighbours houses to two squad cars which were outside the security gates of the complex I live in cross parked with all blue lights flashing I was driven to Pearse Street in the back of a squad car and had to walk, still handcuffed, across the rush hour traffic to the back entrance of the station.

At the station there is a Twenty something, probably Romanian, guy with very little English being released after spending the night. He is been roundly abused by the Garda in charge and being told that if he doesn’t sign the papers, admitting his offence, he will go back to the cells until he does. His “crime”, stamping on two half litre milk cartons in South William Street after the night club’s closed. He’s gone, my turn, name address DOB etc, given a copy of my rights, remove belt, and empty pockets. It’s 7:40AM I was brought to a cell, spread-eagled against the wall, searched, remove shoes, door closes. This is a stinking, filthy kip with an open, uncleaned hole in the floor, which served as a toilet, in the corner. I was offered a cup of tea and a copy of the Sun newspaper. ( I refused both)

10:15 AM I’m taken from the holding cell put in a van and driven to Court 50 in Brunswick Street. They forgot to return my personal effects and, as I have never even been inside a Police station before, other then in the front public office for signature witnessing, I assumed that that was the norm. It’s not, my stuff was brought to the court and I got it back after the hearing.

The hearing
My solicitor had made contact with Pearse Street Station and was told that I had already been taken to Brunswick Street. He sent word that he was on the way and asked that the hearing be delayed until he got there with Council. I wasn’t told this, I believe that council for the state, did tell Judge Haughton but he chose to ignore the information. During the time I was waiting for the hearing there was a least six cases where witnesses for the prosecution did not turn up, mostly Guards and the cases were dismissed. I assumed that when I apologised and explained that due to pressure of work, I had genuinely forgotten about the hearing on the 23rd that I might get a bit of a tongue lashing from the Judge and that would be that. I had also intended to enquire whether he approved of the bully boy tactics the Guards used in carrying out his warrants. In fact I was treated as if I was a criminal and started to fear that I was going to get a prison sentence. Not understanding how these things work, unlike everyone else in the room, including the defendant, I ended up being bailed, €25 which I had on me and my own surety for €50, to turn up in court on the18th February and being told that if I don’t turn up I will be rearrested and jailed until the case is heard.

In my life I have had two speeding fines and I think four parking tickets. I have been in business in this city for twenty nine years and the only interaction I have ever had with the police is when my business was, broken into (at least twice a year), vandalised, trucks stolen, being personally assaulted and when my staff were the victims of one of the so called “crime bosses” armed robberies.


18th February
I arrive at the court, after some period when the hard to understand procedures have been gone through, there is a discussion between Garda O’Rourke, a representative of the DPP, a barrister representing the state and a solicitor representing the defendant (defendant who broke into my car, that is). He didn’t turn up as the DPP had decided to drop the case, which he obviously knew. The case was dismissed by the Judge. I’m sitting there not knowing what had happened and had to ask another Garda who was sitting beside me what was going on. Nobody even had the courtesy to tell me that the whole thing was over. I met Garda O’Rourke on the way out and he asked me if I would like him to explain what happened……. I left. Never did get the bail money back, wouldn’t even know how to go about that.
Apart from my obvious annoyance at all this, it seems to me that the amount of police, (Two squad cars and four Garda) and court time wasted on this whole episode, was way out of proportion to the smash and grab crime committed by the drug addict who broke into my car. I have a suspicion that my treatment was because I had the temerity to question Garda O’Rourke.

Current comment on the above
The above was actually written at that time when it was fresh in my memory. I had intended to make a complaint but decided against it, precisely because of what has come out in the open regarding the treatment of anyone who complains about a Garda.

This episode still rankles with me in the way any personal assault would. The problem of course is that, as most people have always known, if you complain about a Garda you will probably regret it. The current cases coming out into the open are probably just a tip of the iceberg as most people who have suffered abuse at the hands of An Garda Síochána just have to put up with it.

Sinn Fein and the Local Elections

Despite the spin put on it by Sinn Fein, Gerry Adams was arrested when he arrived at the police station in Belfast last week. He was released without charge, pending a decision by the PPS. We will not in fact know how strong the case against him is until the PPS either charge him or drops the case.

The problem is this, by the time that happens, Sinn Fein, the party he leads, could have gained more influence in the politics of the Republic of Ireland. What happens if we then find out that the charges against him are proven? We will have people, with a messianic adoration for Adams  influencing the way our Local Councils are run. Perhaps we should hit the pause button on the rise of Sinn Fein for this election. If no charges are brought, there is always the 1916 (or earlier) elections to give that vote.

As mentioned in a previous post, if elected, Sinn Fein or independent MEPs will be an irrelevance in the context of influence in Europe and a waste of a vote but, our local elections are a completely different matter.

The newly elected Councils, under the reform of Local Government provisions, will have significantly more powers over our day to day lives. If Sinn Fein achieves enough increase in representation to hold the balance of power, we will be living our lives according to the ideology of Mr Adams, who of course was never a member of the IRA but now says that he has never disassociated himself from them.

Despite Adams’ comments to the contrary, I think I will stick with the older, “They haven’t gone away you know” concept and suggest caution at the ballot box. Do we want people with an Armalite in one hand running our affairs?

Don’t Waste Your Vote in the European Parliament Elections

A vote for a Minority Party or an independent candidate in the European Parliament elections is a waste of a vote.

EU Parliament ChamberThe EU political structure is very different than that of our Local and National structures. In order to have any, that is any, influence in Europe an elected member needs to be a member of a group and that group needs to be in a position to influence the decisions of the parliament.

This EU election is different than previous elections because the MEPs will now have more power.  They will effectively choose the president of the Commission and with a power of veto, effectively control that Commission.

The Power groups in the EU are basically all “Centre Groups”, of the current 736 MEPs, 449 belong to two groups, The EPP and The S&D with the ALDE having another 84. Total Centre parties (left and right) make up 72.4% of the parliament. Between them these groupings will make all the decisions in the next EU parliament and from there control all decisions made by the Commission.

If the candidates people vote for are not part of one of these groupings, they might as well stay at home and not bother because they will have no representation in Europe.

Before making a decision, people should check which grouping their candidate is, or will belong to. Then check and see if that grouping is one of those with influence. To say it again, anything else is a waste of a vote for a small country like Ireland.

Eu Parliament GroupsWe need influence at the power bases, not people who were elected to protest at our local and National Government. That can be done in the local elections and at the next general election.

The EU is too important to us to waste a vote in a protest that nobody except Irish people will see. We need proper representation at the centre of EU power, let the larger economies (UK, Germany, France) look after the protest groups and the Euro Sceptics

Brendan Palmer is CEO of Electronic Recycling.
An environmentalist,
BA Law (including European law)

A City Boy on Farming 9: If we are what we eat, we’re in trouble

As part of a series of articles written for irish Execcutives “Blogger in Residence”

Antibiotics in foodOver the past year or so I have looked at the foods we eat as part of our modern lifestyle and discovered that our modern food chain leaves a lot to be desired. It may be that in the “first world” we have cracked the food availability issue, with more than enough food for all.  In fact 50% of all food produced never even reaches a table.  The question is this, what kind of food are we being presented with and what effect is it having on our long term health?  Has anyone connected the trend of children dying from the new lifestyle diseases, before their parents, to the food we eat?

Over the last year I have covered various subjects

The behaviour of the meat industry:
The additives in our food:
The quality of the food we are asked to eat:
The Turkey industry:
The Pig industry:

none of which covered the industry with glory

The food processing industry use the same additives for preserving their packaged “foods” travelling from production to fork,  as those are used in the manufacture of cleaning agents, lubricants, stain removers and degreasers. See “The additives in our food” above

For those on a meat based diet, the indiscriminative use of antibiotics in animal husbandry is creating a time bomb in our health industry as antibiotic resistant bugs transfer from animals to humans. If continued unchecked, all the advantages that antibiotics have brought to our health system since the early 20th Century will be wiped out.

The following is an abridged version of an article on antibiotic use in animals by Irish Radio and Television Presenter and Producer, Ella McSweeny

More than 25,000 people across Europe die each year because of bacterial infections that are impossible to treat.

We know that the same classes of antibiotics used to treat humans are given – sometimes liberally – to animals. Last month, a report from the Food and Drink Administration in the US revealed that the meat industry accounts for nearly four-fifths of all antibiotics used.

Scientists first spotted  MRSA ST398 nine years ago in the Netherlands. A sickly child was taken to hospital by her parents, who were pig farmers. When scientists tested the pigs, they found the same strain of MRSA in the child. “Pig MRSA” was born. In the Netherlands, ST398 accounts for just under 40 per cent of human MRSA cases.
In the UK last year scientists discovered MRSA ST398 in milk. In October, it was discovered that a retired part-time cattle farmer in the west of Ireland had been infected with the same MRSA ST398.

In 2012, Dr Mark Holmes, who led the UK team which discovered MRSA ST398 in milk commented, “If farmers were not screwed into the ground by the supermarkets and allowed to get a fair price for their milk, they would be able to use fewer antibiotics.”

In 2011, a new type of MRSA was discovered in two patients in Irish hospitals. This new strain belongs to a genetic lineage that was previously associated only with cows and other animals, but not humans.

That same year, UK scientists identified MRSA in cows with a near-identical profile to that of the Irish human MRSA. It’s clear that new strains of MRSA that can colonise humans are emerging from animal reservoirs in Ireland and Europe.

So what do we know about the use of antibiotics on Irish farms?  The worrying fact is that we don’t know much. The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine does not collect data on antibiotic usage on Irish farms. Available data from the global market research specialist, GFK Kynetec, shows that antibiotic sales for large animals in Ireland is increasing.

According to Prof Séamus Fanning, food safety expert in UCD“ Increased surveillance of antibiotic use is critical or we will have no drugs available for future generations.”
The full article can be found here

It seems to me that, if the current system is allowed to progress without change,  we are moving inexorably towards the situation depicted in the movie “Soylent Green” where the food processing industry, having destroyed the ability to produce natural food from the planet, then ran out of raw materials for processed, concentrated nutrition, “biscuits” and resorted to using expired humans as the raw materials for their “Green Biscuits”

The question is, do we want “cheap” food or a healthy life?

To return to a theme in a previous blog, we give our farmers €1.6bn in CAP payments every year and this is a very small part of the €50bn the CAP will cost each year from now until 2020

Fifty billion Euros per annum and those of us who fund this through our taxes have no say in the quality of the food the farming and food distribution industry decide to produce.

Funding our food production by subsidies is a reasonable thing to do and I have no issue with the amount of money we allocate to the CAP. The issue is with how it is spent.

€50bn per annum,  we all know from our own businesses that people produce what they are paid to produce; it’s time we moved from a quantity based production system to a quality based production system.

He who pays the piper and all that……………..

How to manage this is a subject for another post, comments or ideas appreciated

Capital of The Digital World my Arse.

(31st  October 2013) Taoiseach Enda Kenny declared Ireland the new Capital of the Digital World today, during a massive internet summit in Dublin

Capital of the Digital World My Arse, I can’t pay for my daughter’s Junior Cert exam fees online. Not only do I have to go through the stupidity shown below, I also have to have her sign the ”Giro” form as well. This I discovered after I got to the bank.

Yes a “Giro”  a real piece of 1980’s Irish Government Technology, I can just see them sitting at their high desks,  licking their pencils as they verify the payment on the 60,000 forms returned to the Department  of Education, or whatever Government Department is in charge of box ticking for “The State Examinations Commission”

This is the 21st Century payment of exam fees process in Ireland. …..Students sitting for the Junior Certificate must pay an examination fee (€109). In early February of the exam year, the school sends parents who are paying the examination fee a form. The parent makes the payment through a bank and the bank must stamp the form. The parent then returns the form to the school…..  Look at that again, School teachers giving out 60,000 forms, 60,000 parents going to a bank/post office, minimum a half an hour per person, That’s a minimum of 30,000 man hours!!,  returning the form to the school, the school gathers the forms and sends them back to the Department, probably at least another 30,000 man hours!!   The cost is horrendous

The Students reference number is on the form, the bank address and account number is on the form, it would take me about five minutes to do this online.

I’ll say it again: Capital of the Digital World My Arse

I have posted this under Jokes in my blog, it is the only way to stay caaaalm

The Good Wives Guide 1960’s style

This is an actual extract from a home economics book printed in the 60’s.The Good Wives Guide

Have dinner ready. Plan ahead, even the night before, to have a delicious meal ready, on time for his return. This is a way of letting him know that you have been thinking about him and are concerned about his needs. Most men are hungry when they come home and the prospect of a good meal (especially his favourite dish) is part of the warm welcome needed.

Prepare yourself. Take 15 minutes to rest so you’ll be refreshed when he arrives. Touch up your make-up, put a ribbon in your hair and be fresh-looking. He has just been with a lot of work-weary people.

Be a little gay and a little more interesting for him. His boring day may need a lift and one of your duties is to provide it. !!!!!!!!!!

Clear away the clutter. Make one last trip through the main part of the house just before your husband arrives. Gather up schoolbooks, toys, paper,etc. and then run a dustcloth over the tables.

Over the cooler months of the year you should prepare and light a fire for him to unwind by. Your husband will feel he has reached a haven of rest and order, and it will give you a lift too. After all, catering for his comfort will provide you with immense personal satisfaction.

Minimise all noise. At the time of his arrival, eliminate all noise quiet. of the washer, dryer or vacuum. Try to encourage the children to be quiet. Be happy to see him.

Greet him with a warm smile and show sincerity in your desire to please him.

Listen to him. You may have a dozen important things to tell him, but the moment of his arrival is not the time. Let him talk first – remember, his topics of conversation are more important than yours.

Make the evening his. Never complain if he comes home late or goes out to dinner, or other places of entertainment without you. Instead try to understand his world of strain and pressure, and his very real need to be at home and relax.

Your goal. Try to make sure your home is a place of peace, order and tranquillity where your husband can renew himself in body and spirit.

Don’t greet him with complaints and problems.

Don’t complain if he’s late home for dinner or even if he stays out all night. Count this as minor compared to what he might have gone through that day.

Make him comfortable. Have him lean back in a comfortable chair or have him lie down in the bedroom. Have a cool or warm drink ready for him. Arrange his pillow and offer to take off his shoes. Speak in a low soothing and pleasant voice.

Don’t ask him questions about his actions or question his judgement or integrity. Remember, he is the master of the house and as such will always exercise his will with fairness and truthfulness. You have no right to question him. A good wife always knows her place.


Charities, Unregulated and unaccountable

It is really unfortunate that the current scandal regarding top up salaries for executives has tarred all charities with the same brush. It must be very difficult for the hundreds of thousands of people who give their time free of charge to see their efforts on behalf of the less well off crumbling before their eyes through no fault of their own.

Having said that, the “Charity Industry”, and an industry it has become, must take the blame, they have operated a policy of secrecy and resisted any type of proper regulation for years.  It is this environment that has allowed unscrupulous people to hide behind “Charity Status” while paying themselves handsomely. The public can hardly be blamed for their reaction when the veil of secrecy begins to slip.

Some of these charities also operate like full blown businesses, with significant career paths for the management while competing unfairly with legitimate businesses, which are subject to stringent regulation.

Proper regulation and a willingness of people working for charities to completely transparent systems of accounting will fix the problem.

The legislation has been on the Minister’s desk for signing since 2009, he just has to sign it. It’s one of those “Do it now” things

I have already written on this subject last April in my Recycling and Business NEWS blog

It must be winter, the ESB Unions threaten to pull the plug

Electricity is of huge national strategic importance to this State. It is time to make the deliberate “pulling of the plug” a criminal offence, with serious consequences for anyone involved, including those who incite the action.

There are plenty of ways ESB workers can get at the company if they want to prove a point, holding this State to ransom should simply not be one of them.

Except for Retail Excellence Ireland (REI), all commentators from the organisations mentioned in the various newspaper article seem to have an “Oh woe is me” if this happens attitude. It’s time to really represent their member and camp out in the various Ministers Offices until the Government takes away the EBS workers annual winter “Give us more money or we will pull the plug” goody bag

There are comments like “turning out the lights”, as if lighting a candle was all we had to do. That was the Seventies, people need to think about this, in 2013, no electricity, NO ECONOMY

This is a leadership issue. It is up to the government to bring in immediate legislation to prevent this.

If they don’t, and the plug is pulled, all this talk about getting our sovereignty back on 16th December will be just another load of wishy washy hot air.

Justine McCarthy said it well in her recent article in The Sunday Times (17/11) “Kenny must show he is more than just a Taoiseach in name”
To address the issue of Ministers in the media talking about the ESB in the third person, as if they had no responsibility. With a holding of 95%, ESB is majority owned by the Irish Government. (not the State, The Government) The remaining 5% is held by an Employee Share Ownership Trust

Just to say that again, “The “Government” owns the ESB” This strike is their responsibility