A shortened version of an article in Techcentral.ie by Mike Elgan.
Mike Elgan is a technology journalist, author, blogger, podcaster and digital nomad
Machines are getting better at writing. They can finish our sentences. They can reply to our emails. They can write news reports and even novels. But just because they can doesn’t mean they should.
Writing involves revision, which clarifies thinking. We think. We write what we think. Then by reading what we write we realise the errors in our thinking, or at least in the way we have expressed our thinking. We rewrite until our thoughts are clearly and accurately and fully expressed
By allowing writing tools to do the writing for us, our literacy fades, and we begin to base our decisions on superficial impressions, rather than critical or analytical thinking.
Literacy and thinking are connected. This was the point of George Orwell’s Newspeak idea in the novel 1984. The totalitarian government in that book used restrictions on language to make complex thought impossible. Its purpose was “to diminish the range of thought” in order to pacify and enervate the public.
AI, we are told, will take our jobs and ultimately have no use for us, other than to keep us as pets. This AI techno-panic is based on the knowledge that the machines will just keep getting smarter. The risk is not that machines will get smarter; it is that humans will get dumber.
The most efficient way for AI to make us dumber is to take the task of writing away from us. Our critical and creative faculties will atrophy. Our minds will become dull. And we will all become so boring that the machines may not even want us around as pets.
If you are concerned about AI making us all redundant, you can do something about it today and every day: don’t let AI put words in your mouth. Reject automated writing in all its forms. Do your own writing. Think for yourself.
Now, have a look at the full original article in ComputerWorld, (some extra links included) read the AI version and be afraid……be very afraid
I am smiling as I write the end of that last sentence