Changing Things in Ireland

I listened recently to a Senior manager from the Public Sector explain his frustration at the complete lack of forward movement in the Oxymoron called “The Public Service “ but, while  there are many like him in our Administration, none of them are going to radically change it, turkeys don’t vote for Christmas. Talk is cheap and marking time to pension, instead of demanding the recognised changes or else, is about as useful as a fork in a soup bowl.

How can we change over Thirty years of the inexorable movement to point where the administrators are getting paid more than the wealth generators, have consolidated their position and have the power to continue to make laws and regulations, preventing this from reverting to the way things should be i.e. the wealth generators employ the administrators to administer the wealth.

Excuse the use of tired old clichés “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing” I’m not saying that our current situation is as a result of evil, but you get my drift. (Although there are probably a few who would fit the bill)

What to do?

The business community are not blameless in this, abdicating our responsibilities for anything other than making money to the administrators.  If we want change, it’s time to step up to the plate , walk away from “Self” and focus some of our energy on changing those things that will return us to equilibrium for the benefit of the wider community and more importantly, the next generations.

My youngest daughter  Lucy (11), after listening to another of my rants last week, asked me a very interesting question, “Daddy, if you had the power to change everything, what would you do?”

I have to admit to an embarrassing silence and I am still struggling with it because, “where do we start?”

I suppose we need to decide……
What we want to place to look like
What needs to be done to make it happen
Get involved and make it so
Or walk quietly over Mirza’s bridge into oblivion, muttering into our pints.

Find out about Mirza here

The reference to Oxymoron above is incorrect as the statement is more closely aligned to a Paradox, either way, Public Servants are probably not.


An oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines two normally contradictory terms. Oxymoron  is a loanword from Greek oxy  (“sharp” or “pointed”) and moros  (“dull”). Thus the word oxymoron  is itself an oxymoron.


A paradox is a true statement or group of statements that leads to a contradiction or a situation which defies intuition

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