Shock horror if this headline was in relation to a terrorist attack but it’s not, it is the number of people that will be killed on our roads this month, mostly by cars and predominantly by driver error combined with inappropriate speed.
We have a maximum speed limit of 120kph in Ireland and 70mph and yet it is still legal to sell,
buy and drive cars that can travel at speeds of up to 260kph/160mph.
Cars are regularly advertised on their power and 0-100kph time.
We know that speed and cars kill, we do nothing…..
If we are really serious about our shock horror when people die, this is something that we can actually control.
The question is this, why does nobody seem to care? Are the car manufacturers and the countries that benefit most from their manufacture so powerful that our politicians won’t even recognise this as an issue, never mind doing something about it.
With modern chip technology it is very easy to limit a car’s top speed, we do it with trucks.The same technology could be used in combination with imbedded RFID readers to prevent cars from braking a speed limit in a controlled zone.
All that’s required is the will to do it. Or have we actually decided that killing 200 Irish and 1775 Britons by car every year is in fact an acceptable level of death?