Energy Security and Shale Gas

12th February 2015
Comment by Brendan and replies from other learners at FutureLearn

Brendan Palmer

I spent some time thinking about a contribution on this. Most of my thoughts are similar to the majority already posted so I will make a general observation based on my experience.

I have been recycling electronic waste for 18 years, since before anyone even recognised it as an issue and I can categorically tell this forum that all people love to talk the green talk and be environmentally responsible, until they are asked to pay….

I have also noticed that the focus on renewable energy flares and wanes as the price of oil travels above and below $80 a barrel.

As President Bill Clinton said “It’s the economy stupid” the environment comes second

  • Liz kerry

    The economy depends on the environment not the other way round. The earth could easily shrug us off and start again!


  • Brendan Palmer

    In case there is a misunderstanding about my stance on this. I absolutely agree that we have to do something about a sustainable environment. My business is about sustainable management of wastes. People don’t like to think of waste but it is a fact of life and wishing it away doesn’t work.

    I enjoy the part of our business that looks at, discovers and implements better ways of handling one of our more toxic wastes, WEEE or eScrap and Scrap Cars and the unrecyclable plastics that come from these wastes.

    My first course of study with FutureLearn was “Sustainability Society and You” which is well worth doing if it comes up again

    To restate my earlier post
    People love to talk the green talk and proclaim environmental responsibility , until they are asked to pay, then it’s suddenly, “Save me Lord, but not just yet”

    Many of the comments posted here talk of what WE must do. Think about that, how much are YOU prepared to pay for a sustainable future

  • Holly McCain (Facilitator – Shale Gas and Fracking)

    Brendan – I’m glad you liked the “Sustainability Society and You” FutureLearn course as that is another one created by the University of Nottingham. As far as I know it will be re-run in a few months. It’s a great course for anyone wanting an introduction to issues relating to sustainability.


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