Introducing Brendan Palmer to the Futurelearn M.O.O.C. Shale Gas and Fracking With The University of Nottingham

February 2nd 2015

My first MOOC with FutureLearn was the UoN “Sustainability and you” in January 2014

Currently I am involved in recycling of Electronic Waste (WEEE). I am also involved in a project to use sealed vessel Pyrolysis/Gasification to create SynGas (Synthetic gas) from the unrecyclable residues from the plastics recovery processes in the WEEE and Automobile Shredder industries, so gas and the environment are very much in my space right now

In doing some research on the subject of fracking it seems to me that disinformation is the order of the day, both on the pro and anti side.

The against side says that “up to 600 chemicals are used”

The Pro side says The chemicals that gas companies use – which can include – water, sand, salt, citric acid, benzene or lead,

I have not been able to find any information on exactly what chemicals are used and in what mix or concentrates, which I suspect could be one of the major environmental issues surrounding the process

I have to admit that the kind of people trotted out by the US media claiming the fracking has made them ill are less than convincing (I regularly expect a duelling banjo to start up in the background)

I am looking forward to getting some real facts on the subject, which will allow me to take a risk v reward position

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